You are expected to review a piece of research and consider application to TC applications.

The research could be from one of the following suggested sources:

AMS Hurricane Conference 2018: recorded 15min presentations:

AMS Hurricane Conference 2016: recorded 15min presentations:

CAWCR seminars:

Peer reviewed journals: eg.



You may wish to share the research item more widely with colleagues such as posting to email discussion list or presenting to your colleagues at a lunchtime seminar or even applying the research to TC operations. This might also stimulate ideas for research more locally.

If you have a research idea but don't have the time to pursue it, could approach ask for assistance to the wider group, a colleague or the TC trainer who is in a position to provide direct assistance.

If you have any questions contact James Thompson.

Review of research to be completed in own time as appropriate.
Duration: This will depend upon the subject. It could range from a minimum half an hour to view a 15min video and offer comments; or significantly longer if the subject content is more complex and involving reading a scientific paper and following up on related research. 
Assessment: No formal assessment will be done other than tracking the completion of at least one review being completed.
Help: Contact James Thompson, Joe Courtney or your local colleagues with TC expertise.

Track of pre-Stan